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“malignant narcissism”
1. A personality type showing excessive love or approval of himself or herself: The psychiatrist diagnosed Jerry as exhibiting characteristics of malignant narcissism or an exaggerated sense of personal admiration.
2. Antisocial behavior: Mary had difficulties on the playground at school because she exhibited a form of malignant narcissism which was aggressive towards those who did not admire and praise her.
3. Ego-syntonic aggression or sadism directed against others including inhumane or barbarous killing: The police were alarmed at the repeated discovery of mutilated corpses and focused their search on a person who was known to be possessed with malignant narcissism and had recently escaped from prison.
2. Antisocial behavior: Mary had difficulties on the playground at school because she exhibited a form of malignant narcissism which was aggressive towards those who did not admire and praise her.
3. Ego-syntonic aggression or sadism directed against others including inhumane or barbarous killing: The police were alarmed at the repeated discovery of mutilated corpses and focused their search on a person who was known to be possessed with malignant narcissism and had recently escaped from prison.
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